Calderdale Food Network was established in July 2017, in response to feedback from a wide representation of cross-sector organisations, businesses, groups and individuals who participated in the Calderdale Food Workshop, in recognition of the major role food plays in the health and wellbeing of our community and the need for a coordinated, locally-led partnership approach to establish a good food culture.

We were awarded the Sustainable Food Places Bronze award in 2020 in recognition of our progress and our holistic, joined up approach to achieving a more sustainable food system for Calderdale.


To establish a culture where healthy affordable sustainable local food is accessible to everybody in Calderdale.


We are bringing people together from across Calderdale to celebrate great local food, amazing people and inspirational actions that have positive outcomes for our community, our environment and our lives.

We are working collaboratively with individuals, organisations, businesses and  community groups to promote a vibrant, diverse sustainable food culture by increasing food knowledge and skills, influencing policy, supporting and motivating positive actions, tackling food inequality, increasing local food production and reducing our carbon footprint.

Person selling sauces at Calderdale Food Network's Food Gathering in front of a Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary banner.

β€œAt the heart of the Sustainable Food Places programme is a belief that good food is a right not a privilege and this principle is clearly evident in everything the borough has done. Calderdale stands out as a shining example of just what can be achieved when people work together to make healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of where they live.”

Tom Andrews, Director of Sustainable Food Places


Become a member of the Calderdale Food Network
Sign the Calderdale Food Charter
Participate in the food conversation
Volunteer with your local community groups and projects